”Unique” studies and models which are initiated and put into practice by the Veri Araştırma for the first time, are researches that have no other examples in their own field in Turkey.
● Veri Araştırma Neighborhood Statuses Data Index Neighborhood Based Expense + Income + Status in All Over the Turkey Data Set
● Newspaper Content Analysis Research, based on regular monthly measurements,
● Visibility Computation Research of Outdoor Advertisements,
● Bir toplumsal tabakalaşma modeli olarak geliştirdiğimiz ve birçok araştırma kuruluşu tarafından da kullanılan Veri Sosyo-Ekonomik Statü İndeksi (VERİ S.E.S.İ.®)
● Urban Turkey DATA (Status-Income-Consumption) Research that has been conducted every two years and allows the analysis of income, consumption, savings tendencies and lifestyles in urban Turkey.