Veri Araştırma, Inc.

We have been creating unique databases on every neighborhood in Turkey and helping investors minimize risks with our consulting services for 40 years.

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We have developed the Neighborhood Statuses Database in order to concurrently view Turkey which has changed fast with rapid changes in its social strata as well.

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Neighborhood Statuses Database Turkey, a unique research model of Data Arastirma A.S., helps you minimize the risks in your investments and decisions by interpreting Turkey in terms of status, income and consumption habits on the basis of neighborhoods.

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Instead of the research models which attempt to define status exclusively by income information and reduce research techniques down to the survey method only, you can use our Neighborhood Statuses Database to view the demographic structure of the neighborhoods in Turkey, their consumption under 12 different items, levels of education, political tendencies and evolution of all this information throughout a 25-year period.

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Frequently Asked questıons

Status is a socio-economically important, non-uniform, complex but multidimensional concept.
Including the change as well, status is a concept not only related to income, but to the expenditures required by the current position rather than the income. The fact that this concept is related to spending styles and patterns and lifestyle, points to the extent to which its components are intertwined, different and diverse . That is why, and thus, the statuses generated /created by these multiple and intertwined parameters are not only a matter of social scientists, but are of interest to anyone who is in a position to make the right decisions – whether established his/her own business, or is a professional that is excited about information.


The status information of individuals, households and neighborhoods, and their expansions give clues and foundations that cannot be ignored (to individuals, institutions or organizations) while making vital decisions and investments


It is a fact known by those who want to make the minimum mistake that the steps taken without knowledge and research always carry risks.

It is important because if one of the elements that differentiates or brings the lifestyles of the households closer to each other is the income of the household, the other is the way (and amount) in which the income is spent. Hence, households are divided into layers depending on their varying income and expenditure levels. This stratification can be considered as an income-based stratification or as a similitude-differentiation pattern needed within the framework of income and consumption patterns.


Focusing all its practical tests on this dual structure with reference to the assumption that household status differentiations are also reflected in space, Veri Araştırma measures the stratification of neighborhoods as the smallest settlements of cities as an example of the reflection of social difference to space, and keeps this resource available for not only for sociological analyzes but also for every institution and organization that makes use of data and information-based decision-making processes.


It is important to be able to learn the income, expenditure patterns and status distributions of the population in metropolitan areas, in big cities, geographic regions or individual cities in scale in Turkey, and to have objective data on education and working positions, since it makes it possible to use tools that simplify the complexity of the decision-making process.

* Are there any households that I target in the region where I will open a branch / make sales / establish a business -ie the neighborhood or neighborhoods that concern me-, what kind of a household and individual profile will I face there?

* In other words, are those living in these households within my target group?

* What is the average household income of the families living in these neighborhoods?

* So, for example, how many upper-status individuals there are with high school and or higher education levels in these households (or top or middle or middle bottom, etc.)?

* How many middle-educated (or lower, etc.) individuals there are?

* What kind of a neighborhood is here what kind of housing are there?

* Are housings relatively wealthy, medium level or poorer structures?

* How many of the buildings in that neighborhood are residential, and how many of them are workplace?

* Which one is higher in numbers? Housings or workplaces?

* What is the average size of households?

* Which income and expenditure patterns do families live in relatively wealthy, top-level households?

* What is the average annual income of the residents?

* Or, what if I wanted to know the income levels of middle-class neighborhoods?

* What is the annual expense amount of these families?

* What is the average education level of the residents?

* Who has a higher education level in this region, men or women?

* How many children there are in pre-school age?

* In which socio-economic strata are households larger and in which smaller?

* In short, your question should be this: What are my breaking points?

* Which aspects and information of social stratification do I need?

You can request this information and expansions on the scale of provinces, districts, neighborhoods or in the context of neighborhood groups.

Besides the researches it has conducted, Veri Araştırma Inc. has also been conducting unique researches to recognize and understand Urban Turkey’s texture and for many years to understand, the original work is also running. NEIGHBORHOOD STATUSES DATABASE is one of the most important ones.


Created the HOUSEHOLD STATUSES through developing the lifestyle stratified identification systematics and individual income-expense patterns of the household and individuals in 1995, Veri Araştırma has put such research into practice and this model has been published as an article in 1998 and taken its place in the social sciences literature.


Veri Araştırma, which integrates household and neighborhood statuses into one single structure and transforms that into NEIGHBORHOOD STATUSES INDEX since the 2000s, has put the model used today into practice. In other words, this index has been used and tested in many social-economic and political researches for nearly 20 years and has become one of the functional indexes in understanding socio-economic aspects of urban relations and spaces.

Every institution and organization that wants to be one step ahead!


Anyone who wants to invest / work with the lowest risk and to create the right (investment,) sales and marketing strategies!


Turkey NEIGHBORHOOD STATUSES INDEX is used and being used by national and international organizations in many areas from the banking sector to retailing, from politics to education, from consultancy services to place selection works in the industry, from the construction sector to the measurement of the prevalence of communication channels.

You need to make the right inferences for your target group if you will make new investments, manufacture in a new area, start a business, open a market, add a new unit/ a new branch, etc. to your business in a different neighborhood. In short, if you need healthy analysis for your sales, marketing, investments or strategic decisions, it means you also need household and neighborhood information. The knowledge and the power of the knowledge will change the dynamics of your business while equilibrating between the decisions you will make with your goals and expectations and the investments you will make.


It will bring minimum risk;


* For those who ask, ‘How and according to what should I determine my workplace choices?’

* for those who think ‘I should do my analysis properly and allow my products and services reach the right goals’,


We are constantly updating our neighborhood statuses database, as an in-depth knowledge base, allowing new expansions.


In order for the Neighborhood Statuses Database to meet your needs, you can, of course, consult our consultants, and discuss with them face to face the extent to which you can use this broad resource, how and with what criteria, and which variables you should take as a basis.


Our consultants understand your needs and try to quickly respond to your questions using our database.


As it is known, it is not a risk itself but a risky approach without actually making risk calculations and foreseeing the risks that can be removed and cannot be removed.

Including the places where approximately 85 percent of Turkey’s population live in (neighborhoods), this index stratifies the Turkey’s neighborhoods in a septette scale with reference to the square meter unit prices of the aforementioned neighborhoods, streets and roads, average duration of the education of the neighborhood population and the appearance index values of the buildings in these neighborhoods.


Moving through such stratification, Veri Araştırma creates and presents this database that it has been developing, updating and working on for almost twenty years.


NEIGHBORHOOD STATUSES INDEX (as a database) offers a system that generates a wide range of available information from income – consumption, education – political orientation, expenditure groups – working positions, average household size to age dependency rates in Turkey, in metropolitan areas, in big cities, geographic regions or in scale of individual cities.

Veri arastirma, ınc.

Veri Araştırma, In. entered the sector as one of Turkey’s first private research organizations in 1983. For 40 years, it has not only been conducting research but also working on unique projects and its own database in order to recognize and understand Turkey, social structure and cities with the models it produced and developed.

It has conducted numerous researches for many national and international organizations, worked with universities and professional chambers and provided consultancy services with special analyzes and reports based on customer needs.

Our References